Annual Report 2024

Stable positioning

The 2024 financial year saw the SFS Group operating in a challenging economic environment characterized by uneven business performance and ongoing inventory destocking in individual end markets. With sales of CHF 3,039.0 million, an EBIT margin of 11.6% and major progress in the area of sustainability, the Group achieved most of its targets. SFS is in a robust and good position to meet the current economic challenges and any opportunities that arise.

Jens Breu (CEO) and Volker Dostmann (CFO) in an interview with Jasmine Kast (polymechanic in her second year of apprenticeship)

Key figures


Slight decrease in sales due to currency effects

Third-party sales in CHF million


Emissions reduction (Scope 1+2) vs. 2020

CO2 emissions in metric tons/million value-added francs


Profitability impacted by mix effects

EBIT in % of net sales


Success stories

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